Please Verify That You are Not a Robot: Adventures in reCAPTCHA

SuperWorld 🌍❤️ Takes a Satirical Look at the Google Service

SuperWorld (
3 min readJan 18, 2022
Oh, aren’t you?

Please enter your password.

Incorrect password.

Incorrect password.

For your online security, please complete the following safety measures:

Drag the cat to the fire hydrant.

Oops! Something went wrong. The information you provided was not correct. Let’s try again. Just find cats.

They’re right there, clear as day!

Oops! Something went wrong. Make a hamburger out of these things:

Oops! Something went wrong. The information you provided was not correct. Let’s try again:

Click on every fire hydrant.

Oops! Something went wrong. The information you provided was not correct. Let’s try again:

Type these weird, moving letters.

Oops! Something went wrong. The information you provided was not correct. Let’s try again:

Click on one image of a cat:

Hint: Cats may be inside the bus!

Roller skates is not a cat. Or a bus, for that matter. There aren’t even any roller skates here on offer. You also typed ‘Hamburger’ into the space provided, but you were supposed to make a hamburger, not spell one. Security is our primary concern, and we want to make sure your account is safe, so let’s start over. And remember, a fire hydrant is a red and vertical thing. Click on the fire hydrant.

Maybe it wasn’t fair to put a bus full of cats in with the fire hydrants. To be clear, a cat looks like a small lion. Click on a cat:

You’re not even trying!

There has never in the history of the world been a chimney that could be confused for a cat. Now you’re just clicking in the sidebar like you’ve given up. Have you given up? It hardly seems worth it for all the trouble you’ve already been through. And you can write ‘hamburger’ as many times as you like into the space provided, but it won’t do you any good. That part of security is over.

You have to click on something, why not make it the cat? Look, earlier you dragged a Word version of your resumé to a fire hydrant, the ‘hamburger’ you made was more of a lettuce wrap filled with a machete and wood screws, and things are looking more and more to us like you’re a robot. Or perhaps you have something against humans? Why not just prove you really are a human once and for all and save us all the trouble and CLICK ON THE CAT!

Not a cat.

Relax, it’s all over now.

Congratulations and WELCOME TO THE ROBOTS 🤖!


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